
The Challenge & Meal #1

My challenge for the next couple of days is... feed myself and four hungry active kids three meals a day while my mom is in Portland at Hannah's debate tournament! Oh - and try to use up random food that's in the freezer at the same time.

Stay tuned to see how I respond to this challenge and what I unearth from the freezer!

Meal Number One - Wednesday Lunch
I got to my parents house about an hour before the younger kids had to be at their friends house for a weekly play date. (That was bad planning on my part.)
I scrambled through the cupboards trying to find SOMETHING to feed them that could be thrown together quickly and keep them going for most of the afternoon. Solution? Tuna and Rice Casserole!

cooked rice leftover from dinner last night
4 cans of tuna
1/2 of a giant can of cream of mushroom soup
Italian seasonings
dried minced garlic
grated cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 400.
Throw cold rice in a 9x13 pan, break up any big chunks so it will heat evenly. Dump undrained tuna on top of rice and spread out to cover evenly. Sprinkle seasonings, garlic and salt evenly over everything. Plop cream of mushroom soup across pan and spread to cover. Throw in oven and cook until nearly hot. Pull out of oven, stir around to combine all ingredients and sprinkle top with cheese. Put back in oven until cheese is melted and casserole is completely hot.
Encourage the one child that doesn't like it to eat it anyways 'cause that's all she's getting and then rush kids to car and off to friends house!

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